If grades were given for fertility, well at least science-aided fertility, I’m pretty sure we would get an A.
Yesterday was the transfer. The day when they take the embryos and transfer them to my uterus. Pretty easy procedure, at least from my end. Only took about 10 minutes and we got to watch the entire thing on a big TV screen. The impact of that, watching our doctor transfer what will hopefully be our baby(ies), really made everything very real.
They transferred 2 embryos (and we got a picture of them!! Who gets to have a picture of their embryos - so lucky!), so now we just wait. Nine days, to be exact, until the pregnancy test next Wednesday.
I actually think the best news was the fact that besides the two embryos that got transferred, we have 8 more that are viable to freeze. Thus, the A in fertility. The nurses basically told us this was fairly unprecedented. What it means to me is that, if this cycle doesn’t work out, we do not need to start from scratch – we can do a frozen cycle (more on that in another post). This means skipping the weeks of multiple injections every night and the week of driving to an appointment over an hour away every other day.
Based on the doctor and nurses reactions, I really don’t think things could go any better. And so we wait, cautiously optimistic…