So... We kinda fell off the face of the earth there. Sorry about that.
After the initial rush of news in the spring of last year - all the shots, getting pregnant, etc. - we settled into a groove that basically consisted of Jill being either sick or uncomfortable - or both. The kids were growing well, though, and have continued to do so since being born - which, btw, happened on 10/3/12. Lauren Margaret and Henry Joseph. Both right at 6 lbs and 18 inches. Both rolled out of the operating room on carts with no tubes dangling behind (e.g. healthy). Since then, we've all shared the fastest/longest/most thrilling/most exhausting six months of our lives.
I hope to go back and revisit some of the highs (and lows) of the past 9-10 months at some point, but for now I want to focus on now. Today. 4/3/13.
Six months has our guys getting bigger, doing new things and figuring stuff out. Both L&H had RSV in January and February and while Henry randomly coughs here and there, he's doing pretty well. In the last two weeks he's learned to roll over (and back a few times). We're happy with his progress, and even more so that he doesn't freak out as much when he rolls onto belly and can't get back over. He's like a turtle - except opposite.
Henry is by far the more animated of the two at this point. He's a total ham and smiles with his whole face. You'd have to see it to fully understand - its pretty awesome. He also laughs out loud when he's having a good time and is quite happy to amuse himself for extended periods of time by singing/talking/babbling to himself. Also pretty awesome.
Lauren is still struggling with the effects of RSV more than Henry. She has a nasty cough that gets worse at night and recently was prescribed her second type of inhaler. Obviously it sucks to know that my daughter is already under regular medical treatment, but both Jill and I have had asthma at some point so it was probably coming anyway. Everything else with her - and Henry - is going well, though, so while I spend a lot of time worrying about her, I know she's going to be ok. Definitely looking forward to the end of cold/flu season, though...
I'm excited about the next couple months. Its neat to see them gain motor control on a daily basis. Last night we watched as L&H (maybe more L than H I suppose) genuinely interacted with one another. Up to this point, they've barely acknowledged another baby in the room. Whats especially neat, though, is the stuff we get to see because we have twins. Henry is much better at rolling over than Lauren. Lauren seems to be a bit more sturdy when being stood up than Henry. Henry still needs a feeding every night, while Lauren mostly sleeps through the night. Development happens so differently in everyone - watching our guys develop at their own pace alongside one another has probably been the most enjoyable part of this whole thing for me.
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